Tuesday 22 October 2013

Roy's fantastic work.

Roy did amazing in his maths this week!! Keep it up you little maths whizz!

News Reporter; Bella


Teachers v students game on!!!

                                            The netball game

The netball game against the teachers and the students was an exciting game! The teachers were the winners on the day!

It was lovely to use the fabulous court for the first time.

Thanks to Mrs Hill for organising the game and Miss Teague for reffing.

The teachers had an advantage because they were all tall!

News Reporter:Shaylee




Super Steven from KLH!

In KLH, Steven was the Worker of the Week for his block building! In the picture, you can see his amazing tower that is sky high! Great building Steven!
News Reporter: Amy

5R worker of the week

Seth did great work this week! He did awesome in everything!!!!

News reporter; Bella


Fanatastic work from Faith!

In 1B, Faith was the Worker of the Week for her Maths and Art work! It was a tessalating pattern with nice colours and NO GAPS! Awesome job Faith!
News Reporter: Amy

It's not hot, it's very hot!!

There is a major heat wave in eastern parts of NSW. All students should bring drink bottles and hat every day.

News Reporter: Kade

Millie's Magnificent Spelling!

In 3/4A, Millie was the Worker of the Week for TREMENDOUS spelling work. Miss Anderson was very happy with her work! Great start to this term Millie!
News Reporter: Amy

Maddie' awesome work

Maddie was the greatest worker of all this week!!!! Keep it up(:

news reporter; Bella


Charlotte's Super Dooper Work!

In K/1K, Charlotte was the Worker of the Week. In fact, Miss Papworth chose her for fantastic work over the day! Great work Charlotte!
News Reporter: Amy

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Awesome work from Dakota!

In KLH, Dakota was the Worker of the Week for her colourful colouring and super neat number writing! Keep it up Dakota!
News Reporter: Amy

3/4P Worker Of The Week

Trent is the worker of the week in 3/4P. He did an awesome job in his picture collage. Great work Trent.
News Reporter: Bella

Worker of the Week in Super 6M

In 6M, Kade was the Worker of the Week for attentiveness and helpfulness during class and a great start to Term 4! Keep it up Kade!
News Reporter: Amy

Brae's Brillant Artwork

In 1B, Brae was the Worker of the Week for his artwork. He used oil pastels to create his caterpillar which ended up looking REALLY good! Good job Brae!
News Reporter: Amy

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Art Club

Lila from 2DP came up with the idea of a art club .There are four people helping Lila , these people are : Emily F , Taylah H , Macey and Brayden. They do it three times a week ,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. All years can join .They do many types of art such as : Origami, Drawing and Painting. If you are a student and want to join, contact one of these people.

Wonderful worker

In class 2DP Liam J impressed Mrs Watson in maths as he had done outstanding work on lines of symmetry. Well done Liam.

News reporter Josh 

worker of the week 34A

Kasey did great  in her maths this week. Keep up the great work Kasey.

Regional spelling bee

On Friday the 13th four Aberdeen students Amy, Taylor, Daniel and Takira went to the regional spelling bee in King street school, Singleton. Unfortunately both students in stage two { Daniel and Takira } both got out on round two, Daniel got out on wistful and Takira got out on liar. Stage three Representatives { Amy and Taylor } didn't get to state either unfortunately, Amy got out on gourmet in round three and Taylor got out on opinionated in round five but all students went really well.
                                                                           Good Job!
By Taylor and Shaylee

Jackson's Amazing Recount!

Jackson from KLH did an excellent recount on the Fairytale Ball and is the Worker of the Week! Mr Larnach was really impressed by his work! Keep it up Jackson!

News Reporter: Amy

Worker of the week in 34P

Delta has a wonderful and enthusiastic attitude and approach towards all class activities, whether they are independent or group based. she pays extra attention to her bookwork and organisation, a skill which helps her in her daily activities. Delta is Worker Of the Week for 34P.

Maddison's Magnificent Handwriting!

In K/1K, Maddison was the Worker of the Week for her handwriting. She used her guidelines really well and it was super neat! Awesome work Maddi!

 News reporter: Amy

Josh's Awesome storywriting!

Josh was the Worker of the Week in 6M, for his descriptive storywriting. He read his story out to the class and we were all impressed, including Miss Carter and Mrs Mooring! Good job Josh!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Hockey Grand Final results

Hockey won 1-0 against the Smurfs. amy and emily played from aps they played for the pink panthers.

Election Update

Click play to watch our first video news report

News Reporters: Taylor and Shaylee


Amy, Phoebe and Molly B started a drama club for students in years 1 and 2. They say, if they stay on track there will be a performance at the end of the year . The students will be performing "Going on a bear hunt".

News Reporter: Cassidee

Tuesday 3 September 2013

6M Worker of the Week!

In 6M, Cameron B was the Worker of the Week for awesome sportsmanship. He is an active and enthusiastic participant in team sports and games. Keep it up Cameron!

Cameron in action!!!!!!!

News Reporter: Amy


On the 2nd and 3rd of September, Aberdeen Public School Hosted a cake stall. They earned around $300 in two days. Thanks to K1K, KLH, 1B and 2DP for baking the delicious treats!
News Reporter: Cassidee

Super Stuff Charlotte!

In K/1K, Charlotte W was the Worker of the Week! She wrote down Jack's emotions (Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk) and some great sentences about the story! Good job Charlotte!

News Reporter: Amy

Mayor for a day

On Monday last week Gordon went to 'Mayor for a day' competition in the Scone council chambers.
Gordon had the Honor of meeting the new citizens of Australia who live in the Upper Hunter. He had to write a speech of what he would do if he was Major for the day and then the mayor read this speech to the audience. Points that Gordon included in his speech were; put a pool in Aberdeen, stop the robberies, stop the cars from speeding, fix up the pot holes in the road and put in a new bike ramp in Aberdeen.
Gordon's speech was awarded first place for Aberdeen Public School.
Congratulations to Gordan for this fantastic speech and exciting win!!!

News Reporters,Seth and Gordan

Care Packages

                                                                      Care Packages
Most Sundays Jonah and Brayden make care packages for soldiers in Afghanistan. They put chilli tuna, roll on deodorant, chewing gum, letters about Aberdeen, etc. They send them through Australian post.They get letters,stamps and keepsakes back from the soldiers.

News reporters: Taylor and Shaylee

Wonderful worker

In week 8, in class 2DP the worker of the week is Jade. She impressed Mrs Watson with her wonderful spelling practice at reading time.
News Reporter :Josh     

Tyla's Terrific Handwriting

In KLH, Tyla was the Worker of the Week for his AWESOME handwriting! He was so neat, he was definitely better than me! Great work Tyla!

News Reporter: Amy

2DP worker of the week

In week 6 and 7 class 2DP workers of the week is Will. He impressed Mrs Watson with his amazing work which he did after reading a book called Babe. He wrote a dresciption on a wanted person who stole 200 sheep. He did a great description on the man and drew what he look  liked. He also said if you see him you should call triple 0

News Reporter: Josh

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Blokes Breakfast!

On the 28th of August, Aberdeen Public School had a Blokes Breakfast to celebrate fathers day. Many dads, grandads, uncles, and friends showed up and had a good time. The breakfast smelt yummy and tasted good too!


News Reporter: Cassidee

3/4 A Workers of the week!

Rowan and Brianna are the workers of the week in 3/4A! They have been working really well with their maths and english. Well done for your great effort. Keep up the good work!

News Reporter : Bella

K/1K Worker of the Week

For Week 6 and 7, K/1K's Worker of the Week was.......... K/1K!!!!!! K/1K worked really well together in their groups to create their three little pigs artwork. You can see their work on display in their classroom. Awesome job K/1K!

3/4P Worker of the Week

Ben is the worker of the week in 34P. Ben did really well in his times tables. Congratulations Ben!
 News Reporter: Bella

U11 Abeerdeen Tigers

The Abeerdeen Tigers made it into the grand final and they played Scone. Unfortunately they lost  24-0  but played really well and it was amazing to see them in the grand final.
Well done boys!

News Reporter: Seth and Gordon

Tuesday 27 August 2013

KLH Worker of the Week

In Week 6 and 7, Angus from KLH was the Worker of the Week for his question writing and answering. Angus' question was 'What is your favourite football team?' his answer was 'I like the Knights!' So what's your favourite football team? We all know Angus likes the Knights!


News Reporter: Amy 

6M Worker of the Week

In 6M, Josh was the Worker of the Week. He drew a Manga character in an English lesson and successfully completed it! A Manga character is Japanese style character from Japanese comics! Did you know, Manga books are actually printed back-to-front!
Well done Josh!

News Reporter: Amy

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Fun clubs reporter at Aberdeen Public School!

Hello, my name is Cassidee. I will be sharing infomation about lunch and recess groups at Aberdeen Public School. Remember if you have any infomation on any groups at Aberdeen Public School please contact me.
News Reporter: Cassidee

The Sportanaters!

Hello I am Gordon and this is my partner Seth W.  We will be the sports reporters in the media team.
We will be bringing you the latest in sports news from Aberdeen Public School.

 News Reporters: Seth and Gordon 

Anyone up for Workers of the Week?!

Our names are Josh S, Bella S and Amy M. We are a part of the Stage 3 Media Team. We will be interviewing a student from each class.
We will be sharing great work that students have done throughout the week. Hope to see lots of awesome work from everyone! :)
 News Reporters: Amy,Josh and Bella