Tuesday 22 October 2013

Roy's fantastic work.

Roy did amazing in his maths this week!! Keep it up you little maths whizz!

News Reporter; Bella


Teachers v students game on!!!

                                            The netball game

The netball game against the teachers and the students was an exciting game! The teachers were the winners on the day!

It was lovely to use the fabulous court for the first time.

Thanks to Mrs Hill for organising the game and Miss Teague for reffing.

The teachers had an advantage because they were all tall!

News Reporter:Shaylee




Super Steven from KLH!

In KLH, Steven was the Worker of the Week for his block building! In the picture, you can see his amazing tower that is sky high! Great building Steven!
News Reporter: Amy

5R worker of the week

Seth did great work this week! He did awesome in everything!!!!

News reporter; Bella


Fanatastic work from Faith!

In 1B, Faith was the Worker of the Week for her Maths and Art work! It was a tessalating pattern with nice colours and NO GAPS! Awesome job Faith!
News Reporter: Amy

It's not hot, it's very hot!!

There is a major heat wave in eastern parts of NSW. All students should bring drink bottles and hat every day.

News Reporter: Kade

Millie's Magnificent Spelling!

In 3/4A, Millie was the Worker of the Week for TREMENDOUS spelling work. Miss Anderson was very happy with her work! Great start to this term Millie!
News Reporter: Amy

Maddie' awesome work

Maddie was the greatest worker of all this week!!!! Keep it up(:

news reporter; Bella


Charlotte's Super Dooper Work!

In K/1K, Charlotte was the Worker of the Week. In fact, Miss Papworth chose her for fantastic work over the day! Great work Charlotte!
News Reporter: Amy

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Awesome work from Dakota!

In KLH, Dakota was the Worker of the Week for her colourful colouring and super neat number writing! Keep it up Dakota!
News Reporter: Amy

3/4P Worker Of The Week

Trent is the worker of the week in 3/4P. He did an awesome job in his picture collage. Great work Trent.
News Reporter: Bella

Worker of the Week in Super 6M

In 6M, Kade was the Worker of the Week for attentiveness and helpfulness during class and a great start to Term 4! Keep it up Kade!
News Reporter: Amy

Brae's Brillant Artwork

In 1B, Brae was the Worker of the Week for his artwork. He used oil pastels to create his caterpillar which ended up looking REALLY good! Good job Brae!
News Reporter: Amy